Deutsche Männer geben ersten Punkt ab!

German men give up first point!

It was another day of hard work for the German team. Chess fans could not complain about a lack of excitement against the only team from Poland that had not lost a single point. Our neighbor compe...
2 Deutsche Siege in Runde 3

2 German victories in round 3

"Football is a game with 22 men, it lasts 90 minutes and at the end Germany will be world champions," is the saying of the legendary English football player Gary Lineker. What no longer applies to...
Erfolgreicher Tag bei der Team-EM

Successful day at the European Team Championships

It is not always the clear, overwhelming victories that indicate whether a tournament could be successful. The difference at the level of a European Championship is the fighting spirit, the tenaci...
Knappe Kämpfe für Deutsche Mannschaften

Close fights for German teams

The close battles we predicted in the first round of the European Team Championship in Budva, Montenegro, were real. Unlike at the Olympics, there aren't so many weaker teams that you can warm up ...
Team-EM: 1. Runde ausgelost!

European Team Championship: 1st round drawn!

The European Team Championship starts in just under 3.5 hours in Budva, Montenegro. The best that Germany has to offer in chess will be there. The draws have already been made and the team lineups ...
Kein Platz für Belästigung | Interview mit der Gründerin der "Women in Chess Foundation" Emilia Castelao

Kein Platz für Belästigung | Interview mit der Gründerin der "Women in Chess Foundation" Emilia Castelao

Die Women in Chess Foundation ist eine neue Initiative, die das Ziel verfolgt, sich für Frauen in der Schachgemeinschaft einzusetzen und sie zu stärken. Women in Chess ist bestrebt, ein sichereres...
Morgen Eröffnungsfeier bei Mannschafts-EM

Opening ceremony at the European Team Championship tomorrow

It is one of the most important team tournaments. The European Team Championship starts in Budva, Montenegro, with the opening ceremony tomorrow Friday and the first round on Saturday. The German t...
Vincent verpasst Kandidatenturnier knapp

Vincent narrowly misses Candidates Tournament

In the end, it wasn't quite enough to qualify for the Candidates Tournament, but German Chess can be proud of the performance of its model chess player. In the final round, Vincent played a draw wi...
Überraschungssieger in Baden-Baden

Surprise winner in Baden-Baden

He was not one of the absolute favorites to win the tournament, but in the end Erik Förster, who started 6th in the rankings, was the sole winner, ahead of the international master Igor Solomunovic...