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Bauer: The evergreen Philidor
The Leningrad Dutch Defence - A repertoire against 1.d4, 1.c4 and 1.Nf3
Libiszewski: Master the Kalashnikov Sicilian
Mikhalchishin: The Sharp Arkhangelsk Variation in the Ruy Lopez
A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.3 – Other Lines
A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.2 – 1…Nf6
A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.1 – 1….d5
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A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.1 – 3 - Bundle A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.1 – 3 - Bundle
Panneerselvam: A Repertoire against the Queen's Gambit Declined with 4.Bg5
Mendonca: Rock Solid with the Queenʼs Indian Defence
Giri Repertoire Bundle: A Supergrandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol.1 & 2 Giri Repertoire Bundle: A Supergrandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol.1 & 2
Giri: A Supergrandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol.2: 1.d4, 1.c4 and Sidelines
Giri: A Supergrandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol.1: 1.e4
Kasparov: How to play the Najdorf
Master your technique - maneuvers you must know
The Sharp Scandinavian with 3...Qd6
Schneider: Defeat the French with the advance variation
Queen's Gambit Declined - A repertoire for Black based on the Lasker Variation
Endspiele der Weltmeister Band 1 - von Fischer bis Carlsen
The Aggressive Classical Dutch for Black
How Bobby Fischer battled the Sicilian
The Reliable Petroff
The Baffling 2.b3 Sicilian
Die Wiener Variante