Chess whispers
Welcher Schachcomputer ist der beste?
Die Chess Tigers verfügen über ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Schachcomputern. In diesem Artikel erfährst du, worauf du beim Kauf eines Schachcomputers achten solltest.
Schachbrett kaufen: 8 entscheidende Kriterien für die perfekte Wahl
Beim Schach spielen nicht nur die Figuren und die Züge eine Rolle, sondern auch das Spielfeld: Das Schachbrett.
In diesem Artikel erfährst du, welche Kriterien du beachten solltest, wenn du ein Sc...
Stappenhefte - The best way to learn chess
According to many experts, the best method to learn and improve chess is still the Stappen method .
In this article, you will learn what role the Stappenhefte play in improving chess and what dif...
From Australia to Germany - the chess variant CHESSPLUS
With the chess boom, chess variants are also getting a new boost. Now another variant is appearing on the German market: Chessplus . Michael Busse spoke with the owner of the distribution rights f...
Which chess clock is the best?
Chess clocks are an important part of the game of chess.
This article describes how which ten criteria Chess players or clubs should pay attention to when buying chess clocks. At the end of the a...
Der Schach-Booster erscheint.
Am 27. Februar 2024 erscheint das erste Buch von Schachgeflüster-Moderator Michael Busse: Der Schach-Booster - Die 10 besten Methoden zur Steigerung deiner Spielstärke.
Das Buch kann über folgen...
Tomorrow is club day at the Chess Tigers!
Our Black Friday Week offer on Monday looks like this :) 20.11.2023: Club sponsorship deluxe: Your club has always wanted new beautiful wooden boards. Order 8 wooden sets (our special recommendati...
Our Black Friday Week starts tomorrow!
Every day until next Friday we have a special promotion for you! Tomorrow on November 19th we have the following in store for you:
Chess and reading pleasure:
Order for 150 euros and get a thr...
Thanks for your feedback!
We are always very pleased when we receive feedback from our customers. Especially when they come with a nice photo like this one. Our customer bought these garden chess pieces from us, they were d...