Danke für euer Feedback!

Thanks for your feedback!

We are always very pleased when we receive feedback from our customers. Especially when they come with a nice photo like this one. Our customer bought these garden chess pieces from us, they were d...
Herbstopen erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen

Autumn Open ended successfully

The Schachfreunde Deizisau have done it again. Under the aegis of Sven Noppes, the club from Baden-Württemberg has staged another fantastic tournament with over 200 players, divided into 3 groups. ...
Bennet Hagner gewinnt U25 A-Open in Berlin

Bennet Hagner wins U25 A-Open in Berlin

The U25 Open in Berlin ended yesterday. The young FM Bennet Hagner came first, well deserved but also surprisingly ahead of several grandmasters. The interim leader Ruben Köllner came in fifth!
Jonny mit durchwachsenem Start in Leer
Chess Tigers on Tour

Jonny with mixed start in Leer

The first round of the Leer Open has been played and Jonny "only" achieved a draw in the first round. We're keeping our fingers crossed for him in the following rounds. Things went much better for ...
Buchrezension "Schach für Kids Kinder-Übungsheft"

Buchrezension "Schach für Kids Kinder-Übungsheft"

Titel: Schach für Kids | Kinder-Übungsheft für den Elementar-, Primar- und Heimbereich Autoren: Ralf Schreiber und Ernst Bönsch Auflage: 10. Auflage Preis: 8,95 € Verlag: Elementar Verlag ...
Chess Tigers on Tour!
Chess Tigers on Tour

Chess Tigers on Tour!

The Chess Tigers are on the move again! We look forward to meeting you in Deizisau, Leer and Baden-Baden and to talking to you at the stand. The tournament in Deizisau started yesterday on October ...
Nazar Tarasenko Zehnter bei Kadetten-WM

Nazar Tarasenko tenth at Cadet World Championships

National youth coach IM Bernd Vökler knew right from the start of the tournament that the Cadet World Championships would be a tough one for the German participants. In the Cadet World Championship...
Seniorenweltmeisterschaft mit Deutscher Beteiligung

Senior World Championship with German participation

The Senior World Championship started today in Terassini, Italy. Many heroes and legends of the royal sport are taking part, including some strong German players. Attentive readers of this blog wi...
U25-Open in Berlin gestartet

U25 Open started in Berlin

The U25 Open is taking place at Lankwitz High School, with an incredible prize money of 32,000 euros. A great opportunity for up-and-coming young talents to win good prize money. Alongside many str...