The Fort Knox Variation in the French Defence

The Fort Knox Variation in the French Defence

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If you play French and are looking for a reliable and easy-to-learn system against 3.Nd2 or 3.Nc3, then this 60 Minutes is just right for you! The Fort Knox Variation (3...dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bd7!?) is presented. "Fort Knox" is the epitome of stability and security in English and that is exactly what this variation delivers! Black puts the notoriously bad white squares on c6 in the French and then develops his pieces on the kingside naturally and methodically to create a super-solid structure. White often develops too much ambition to attack this structure and thus gives Black good chances to counterattack. Players with a distinctly classical style such as Anatoly Karpov, but also players with a penchant for experimentation and creativity such as Baadur Jobava have used this variation with great success. It is perfect for players with a positional style who like to play on a counterattack and like it when the opponent is too aggressive.