Sakaev: Complete Slav 2

Sakaev: Complete Slav 2

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Autor: Sakaev, Konstantin
Verlag: Chess Evolution
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Sprache: English
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 357

The second part of the Complete Slav contains all systems that were not presented in the first part, namely a popular variation 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 dxc4 and also all systems after 4...e6. Not to mention the possibilities such as 5. g3 or 5. Qb3, I have presented lines after 5. e3 Nbd7 – for starters Meran (6. Bd3 dxc4 7.Bxc4 b5) and Anti-Meran (6. Qc2 Bd6) lines.
Also the variations rising after 5. Bg5 are examined deeply, namely Moscow (5... h6 Bxf6) and Anti-Moscow (5... h6 Bh4) variations as well as Botvinnik system 5... dxc4.
A possibility to cover such a multitude of systems in just one book (it was possible to create even 5 tomes) only occurred because I have tried to shorten the lines almost to the bare minimum.

There are plenty of openings books in where not the most important lines are covered – this leads to a creation of plenty unnecessary variations – the book starts to be `wishy-washy´. In such situations I have decided to only describe why this or other move does not deserve to be examined deeply. Thanks for such a way of thinking this elaboration did not lose its quality and in my opinion it is even easier to find a relevant recommendation.
All variations presented are analyzed at the same level as those described in the first part of the whole elaboration.

The book covers the state of the theory for July 2013.


Key to symbols


Part 1 Variations 4...dxc4
Part 2 Variations 5.Qb3, 5.g3
Part 3 Variation 4.Nc3 e6 5.e3 Nbd7 6. Bd3
Part 4 Merano
Part 5 Classic Merano
Part 6 Merano 8...a6
Part 7 Anti-Meran
Part 8 Rare Botvinnik variations
Part 9 Botvinnik Variation
Part 10 Moscow Variation
Part 11 Anti-Moscow Variation

333 pages, 2013, paperback, English
