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Georgiev: Attacking 1...d5 - Vol. 2
Georgiev: Attacking 1...d5 - Vol. 1
ChessBase 17 - Tipps und Tricks Saumweber: ChessBase 17 - Tips and Tricks
Johnsen: How to beat the Open Games
Carlstedt: The Tarrasch Defense
Jacimovic/Zlatanovic: The French Defense Revisited (hardcover)
Haria: The Modernized Anti-Sicilians - Vol. 1
Barsky: A Modern Guide to Checkmating Patterns
Sokolov: Magnus Carlsen's Middlegame Evolution (hardcover)
Skjoldager/Nielsen: Aron Nimzowitsch - On the Road to Chess Mastery
Feldman: Silman's Chess Odyssey
Müller/Stolze: Fighting Chess with Hikaru Nakamura
Károlyi: Legendary Chess Careers - Vlastimil Hort
Ehn/Kastner: Everything about chess
Uhlmann: French Defense - Properly Played
Lossa: The decisive move for a compelling mating attack
Zaninotto: This is how the youngest fight
Hansen: Miniatures in the Queen's Indian: 4.g3
Hansen: Miniatures in the Najdorf Sicilian
Hansen: Daily Chess Training: Chess Tactics for Improvers Volume 1
Hansen: Daily Chess Training: Chess Tactics - Vol. 4
Hansen: Daily Chess Training: Chess Tactics - Vol. 3
Hansen: Daily Chess Training: Chess Tactics - Vol. 2
Karcher: Increase your Chess