

77 products
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Santasiere's Folly: 1.Nf3 followed by b4 in 60 Minutes
A clear program to fight the Panov Attack
An Anti-Sicilian Repertoire
Attacking the Taimanov with g4 in 60 Minutes
Eine außergewöhnliche Waffe gegen Sizilianisch - 2.Sa3 in 60min
Queen's Gambit Accepted 3.e4 b5 Caveman style in 60 Minutes
Rückzug ist keine Schande in 60 Minuten
Simple and modern anti-grünfeld variation 5.Bd2
5.Nge2 against the King's Indian Defence
Critical moments in chess
The Grivas Sicilian in 60 Minutes
Anti-Bajonette-Angriff im Königsinder
The strategical opening exchange sacrifice
The Austrian Attack against the Pirc Defence
Mit Erfolg gegen 1.e4 wie Karpov - 4...Sd7 im Caro Kann in 60 Minutes
Fighting the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation with Qe7 in 60 Minutes
Beating the French according to Kupreichik
A dangerous Anti-Sicilian: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.g3!
Adhiban Gambit against 1.c4
Die Norwegische Verteidigung
A practical repertoire against the scotch
Dzindzi-Indisch - Aktiv gegen 1.d4
The Elephant Gambit
A solid Scandinavian Surprise