Snosko-Borowsky: Opening traps on the chessboard
Autor: Snosko-Borowsky, Eugene
Verlag: Beyer
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 152
"Traps" in chess cannot be precisely defined. They are mostly attractive tactical moves that initially appear harmless and often tempting because they promise good play or even an advantage. However, a moment of carelessness can quickly lead to a more or less serious catastrophe, at least materially or positionally disadvantageous for the "victim". Traps are undoubtedly considered particularly attractive when they lure the opponent to their doom with cunning and trickery. And malicious joy, supposedly the greatest of all pleasures, may also contribute subliminally to the fact that traps in chess, and especially in the opening, are perceived by the observer with a specific pleasure.
The author and subsequent editors have collected a total of 234 traps for this book, arranged by opening, commented on in detail and updated, and enriched with occasional brain teasers, and an introductory chapter with further examples conveys the basic ideas of trap play. The reader is thus given an overview of the most important openings, with a focus on the dangers that can lurk everywhere in the form of hidden pitfalls, which, after reading the book in detail, he will be sure to recognize and avoid when he encounters them at the board.
The chess master Eugène Snosko-Borowski (1884-1954) was a Russian exile living in Paris who emigrated to France after the Russian Revolution and became known in Germany in particular through his books. These were primarily tailored to club players and written in a pleasant and fluid style, which gave them exceptional popularity. One of his most popular works is still You must not play chess like this (available from our publisher). But the work on opening traps (first German edition 1939), now in its 18th edition (!), is also an indestructible classic and has already thrilled many generations of chess players.
This was a great honor. The work was included in the list of the 35 best chess books of all time on the website die-besten-aller-zeiten.de in the Books > Hobby & Leisure > Chess Books section. It is a great honor to be named alongside the books by Nimzowitsch "My System" or Tarrasch "The Game of Chess". The basis for this list are expert recommendations, sales figures and readers' opinions. "In the opinion of many chess professionals, these textbooks and bestsellers are sometimes cult-like and simply belong on the shelf of every really ambitious tournament or hobby player" - this is a quote taken from the website.
152 pages, paperback, 18th edition 2020
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