Schulz: The Big Book of World Chess Championships

Schulz: The Big Book of World Chess Championships

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Autor: Schulz, Andre
Verlag: New in Chess
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Sprache: English
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 352

46 Title Fights – from Steinitz to Carlsen

Wilhelm Steinitz, the winner of the first official World Chess Championship in 1886, would have rubbed his eyes in disbelieve if he could have seen how popular chess is today.

With millions of players all around the world, live internet transmissions of major and minor competitions, and educational programs in thousands of schools, chess has truly become a global passion.

And what would Steinitz, who had financial problems his whole life and died in poverty, have thought of the current world champion, Magnus Carlsen, who became a multi-millionaire in his early twenties just by playing great chess?

The history of the World Chess Championship reflects these enormous changes, and Andre Schulz tells the stories of the title fights in fascinating detail: the historical and social backgrounds, the prize money and the rules, the seconds and other helpers, and the psychological wars on and off the board.

Relive the magic of Capablanca, Alekhine, Botvinnik, Tal, Karpov, Kasparov, Bobby Fischer and the others!

Andre Schulz has selected one defining game from each championship, and he explains the moves of the Champions in a way that is easily accessible for amateur players.

This is a book that no true chess lover wants to miss.

Andre Schulz is a respected German chess journalist. He is the editor-in-chief of the ChessBase news site.

Karsten Müller, author of 'Bobby Fischer, The Career and Complete Games':
“I like the selection of the games and the explanations are easy to understand and to the point. But the best part is how the story is told, complete with historical backgrounds and lots of anecdotes.”

352 pages, paperback, 1st edition 2016
