Ris: Beat the Anti-Sicilians

Ris: Beat the Anti-Sicilians

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Autor: Ris, Robert
Verlag: Thinkers Publishing
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Sprache: English
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 240

When I decided to write The Modernized Sveshnikov (June 2020) I knew that I was basically committing myself to covering the Anti - Sicilians in a separate book as well. After all, what's a book on the Sveshnikov alone worth when your opponents de cide to avoid the Open Sicilian? Especially since the Sveshnik ov is nowadays considered to be one of the most reliable options for Black in the Sicilian, White players have been investigating new territories within the Anti Sicilians. The book you are holding in your hands, Beat the Anti Sicilians , aims to provide a complete Black repertoire against all the critical sidelines after 1.e4 c5. The biggest part of the book covers the Rossolimo and Alapin, but also the popular lines at club player's level like the Grand Prix Attack and the Morra Gambit, and other alternati ves on White's 2 nd move are also worked out in detail.
