Autor: Richter, Kurt; Konikowski, Jerzy
Verlag: Beyer
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: hardcover
Seiten: 301
Although the well-known chess master and writer Kurt Richter (1900-1969) published many interesting chess books, his early work "My First Chess Book" is clearly one of the most popular textbooks in the German-speaking world because it is written in an entertaining and instructive way.
Reason enough for the well-known chess author and trainer, FIDE master Jerzy Konikowski, to consider this book worth completely revising and bringing it up to date. New exercises and short games were added and some chapters were "refreshed" by adding current and instructive examples. The author and publisher hope that this was all in keeping with Kurt Richter's intentions, so that future generations will continue to enjoy his work.
The main aim of the book is to illuminate the fascinating beauty of the game of chess from as many angles as possible in order to certainly encourage the reader to further engage with the "Royal Game".
301 pages, hardcover, 14th edition 2019, first edition 1993