Power-Strategie 3 - Der Übergang vom Mittelspiel ins Endspiel

Power Strategy 3 - The transition from the middle game to the endgame

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Autor: Marin, Mihail
Verlag: ChessBase
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Sprache: German

Usually the endgame is considered a separate phase in chess, but it is closely related to the middlegame (and in some extreme cases the opening). The process of simplifying into an endgame implies a number of subtleties and principles that will be discussed in this video course. Ignoring them could lead to losing the middlegame advantage or, even worse, getting a disadvantage. How, when and which piece to exchange are the main questions that require a precise answer. The main principles of the endgame are well known and not too complicated. Pointing out the need to centralize the king and create passed pawns covers a large part of the abstract theory. The examples examined here show that the main problem may be recognizing the priorities at a given moment.

The games that Marin has selected are presented in an interactive format. At key moments it is your turn and you have to decide on a move. You get feedback in video format so you can immediately apply what you have learned.

  • Video game time: 5 hours 30 minutes (German)
  • Extra: Training with ChessBase apps - Playing key positions at different levels

Video: https://youtu.be/AYMu-li9-dk

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