Orbán: Chess endgames

Orbán: Chess endgames

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Autor: Orban, Laszlo
Verlag: Humboldt
Erscheinungsjahr: 2009
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 312

The aim of every chess game is checkmate. The first part of this book presents 100 typical checkmate positions in short games, divided into knight, bishop, rook and queen checkmate in various combinations. The individual occurrence of the checkmate situation is also replayed. This way, the finer points of the game of chess are explored in a playful way. The second part deals with the endgame with only a few pieces against an opposing bastion of pawns. A systematic presentation of successful checkmate attacks and typical checkmate positions!

From the content:
The two-figure mate, mate pictures and Sacrificial turns
The Knight Pair Mate
The Bishop Pair-Mate
The Rook Pair Mate
The Bishop-Knight-Mate
The Rook-Knight-Mate
The Rook-Bishop-Mate
The Queen-Knight-Mate
The Queen-Bishop Mate
The Queen-Rook-Mate
The double mate

Elementary endgames
Pieces against pawns
Queen versus pawns
Rook against pawn
Bishop versus pawn
Knights versus pawns
Two pieces against pawns

The author: Dr. László Orbán is one of the most successful German-speaking chess book authors: More than 5 million chess textbooks sold prove that as a chess teacher he was able to give many young and old players a successful approach to the "queen of games".

312 pages, paperback, 1st edition 2009

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