The Sicilian Dragon 1 & 2
Autor: Nielsen, Peter Heine
Verlag: ChessBase
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Sprache: English
The Dragon Variation is one of the bravest and riskiest openings that Black can play. It often leads to fascinating positions in which both sides attack fiercely. This DVD brings you up to date with the latest theory with grandmaster games, correspondence games and computer games, and offers Black a complete and thoroughly explained repertoire to score better with the Dragon Variation. Volume 1 deals with the main line after 9.Bc4, White's sharpest continuation. Nielsen's suggested repertoire is the Soltis Variation (12...h5), which was also regularly chosen by Magnus Carlsen. The author analyses brave exchange sacrifices as well as solid defences to present a range of different motifs that Black can use. The DVD is aimed at motivated tournament players who are looking for a sharp but well-founded repertoire with which they can put their opponents under pressure from the start. At the same time, the DVD is aimed at all chess players who want to understand what makes the Dragon, perhaps the sharpest of all chess openings, so fascinating.
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