My most memorable interviews

My most memorable interviews

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Autor: Devreese, Gert
Verlag: Thinkers Publishing
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Sprache: Englisch
Buchumschlag: paperback
Seiten: 474

35 Conversations with Chess Stars

The interviews in this book span over twenty years, over two decades. For years I went with my recording device to tournaments like Wijk aan Zee, Frankfurt Chess Classic, Hoogeveen... often to interview the interesting player of the moment in some hotel bar or quiet interview room. 31 out of the 35 interviews came about this way. That is… until March 2020, when out of nowhere, covid broke out. Suddenly chess tournaments were no longer held and a live interview with chess players was no longer possible.

013 PART I - World Champions
015 Ch 1 - Viktor Kortchnoi: "I haven't discovered anything human in Karpov yet"
031 Ch 2 - Anatoly Karpov: "A roaring beast is better kept in its cage"
043 Ch 3 - Garry Kasparov: "Putin is no better than Mugabe"
059 Ch 4 - Vladimir Kramnik: "My first name is still Vladimir, not ‘world champion'"
077 Ch 5 - Veselin Topalov: "I can never match Kasparov"
093 Ch 6 - Vishy Anand: "In India chess is now exploding"
101 Ch 7 - Magnus Carlsen: "I can always win, against anyone"
111 Ch 8 - Judit Polgar: "My colleagues see me as a man"
127 Ch 9 - Alexandra Kosteniuk: "I am a chess star first, then a photo model"
141 Ch 10 - Hou Yifan: "I have a lot to learn from Polgar"
221 PART II - World Toppers 2010-Now
151 Ch 11 - Fabiano Caruana: "I have as much chance at the world title as the others"
161 Ch 12 - Hikaru Nakamura: "Chess in the US has to boom again as under Fischer"
175 Ch 13 - Levon Aronian: "I owe it to Armenia to become world champion"
187 Ch 14 - Anish Giri: "I’ve a chance at the world title for many years to come"
195 Ch 15 - Jan Timman: "Apart from Kasparov and Karpov, I was clearly the best"
207 Ch 16 - Yasser Seirawan: "After eight years, I wanted to play a real tournament"
217 Ch 17 - Michael Adams: "I am in a sombre period as far as chess is concerned"
221 PART III - World Toppers 1999-2010
223 Ch 18 - Peter Leko: "Fischer? Every chess player is a little crazy"
239 Ch 19 - Alexei Shirov: "Kasparov is a cheat, Kramnik an immoral cynic"
255 Ch 20 - Mikhail Gurevich: "I’ve done nothing but play chess all my life"
263 Ch 21 - Joël Lautier: "That wasn’t childish, that was war!"
279 Ch 22 - Boris Gelfand: "Kasparov wants to play Kramnik for the rest of his life"
285 Ch 23 - Peter Svidler: "Kasparov has long ceased to be a scary monster"
295 Ch 24 - Teimour Radjabov: "I want to perform like Fischer or Kasparov"
303 Ch 25 - Alexander Grischuk: "I’m actually middle-aged"
309 Ch 26 - Loek van Wely: "My time has not yet come"
325 Ch 27 - Sergei Tiviakov: "I’d rather enjoy my life than be in the 2700 club"
337 Ch 28 - Tea Lanchava: "Chess is about survival"
351 Ch 29 - Alex Yermolinsky: "I don’t play chess for money or fame, but for myself"
363 PART IV - Science: Psychology, Computers And Composing
365 Ch 30 - Jana Krivec: "Just go back and fight"
389 Ch 31 - Frederic Friedel: "That one mistake in a series of moves, Fritz will see it"
401 Ch 32 - Yochanan Afek: "I feel rich inside"
411 PART V - Covid Times: Chess Dip And Boom
413 Ch 33 - David Navara: "I have not forgotten how to play chess"
433 Ch 34 - Anna-Maja Kazarian: "I often win on Twitch against IM’s and even GM’s"
451 Ch 35 - Jennifer Shahade: "The Queen’s Gambit has more impact on chess than Fischer"

474 Seiten, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2022


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