Lakdawala/Hansen: The Makogonov Variation
Autor: Hansen, Carsten; Lakdawala, Cyrus
Verlag: CarstenChess
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Sprache: English
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 265
A ruthless King's Indian killer
The King's Indian Defense has a reputation as a sharp combative opening where Black aims to attack on the kingside, usually through a pawn storm supported by heavier artillery.
Meet the Makogonov Variation!
In this line of the King's Indian, it is frequently Black who will be the target of White's aggression. Black's standard plans usually result in either a passive position with little hope of counterplay or facing down a kingside attack by White. In this work, you will find forty-six thoroughly analyzed main games with lots of explanations and additional analysis as well as a 'Quick Repertoire' that will allow you to play the opening in your games after a minimal amount of study time. It's time to take your opponents out of their comfort zone and right into yours!
265 pages, paperback, 1st edition 2022
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