Kortschnoi: Practice of the Rook Endgame
Kortschnoi: Practice of the Rook Endgame

Kortschnoi: Practice of the Rook Endgame

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Autor: Korchnoi, Viktor
Verlag: Olms
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 104

Viktor Korchnoi, undoubtedly one of the best experts and experts in the field of rook endgames, reports in his book on his own experiences in tournament practice. He begins with the "ABC of rook endgames", which can be a starting point for the inexperienced. He then shows the reader types of positions that are difficult to grasp theoretically and carries out precise, extensive analyses. As the Cuban world champion José Raul Capablanca once said: "I owe my skill to the study of a thousand rook endgames."

104 pages, paperback, 3rd edition 2019