Stohl: Garry Kasparov's best chess games - Volume 2

Stohl: Garry Kasparov's best chess games - Volume 2

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Autor: Stohl, Igor
Verlag: gambit
Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: hardcover
Seiten: 384

Garry Kasparov dominated the chess world for more than twenty years and is undoubtedly the most important player of our time. His dynamic understanding of chess and his in-depth preparation had a dramatic influence on the modern style of play and set an example that the most ambitious young players today emulate. Anyone who wants to emulate Kasparov studies his methods and, above all, his games.

Igor Stohl is a well-known grandmaster from Slovakia. He plays in several national leagues and has made a name for himself as an opening theorist. His thorough notes often appear in Ceskoslovensky Sach, Informator and ChessBase Magazine. His latest book for Gambit, Instructive Masterpieces from Modern Chess Practice , was awarded the US Chess Federation Prize for Best Book.

384 pages, hardcover, 2006
