Konikowski/Bekemann: Openings - English Opening, Volume 1
Autor: Konikowski, Jerzy; Bekemann, Uwe
Verlag: Beyer
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: hardcover
Seiten: 192
English Opening, Volume 1 - Symmetry Variation, read - understand - play
What does a chess player need when he has mastered the rules of the game but in too many games he runs into difficulties in the opening phase? This question was the central question when our authors began to compile the material for a book on the " English Opening ". As their work progressed, they realized that there was so much to include and explain that it was not possible to fit everything into a single work. They therefore decided to divide it into two volumes.
This volume 1 is devoted to the "symmetry variation", which is characterized by the move pair c2-c4 and c7-c5. This is presented in an introduction and six subsequent chapters, which are designed in accordance with the guidelines of this book series "read - understand - play". The respective opening paths are explained in detail, with the authors placing particular emphasis on presenting the ideas and plans they follow. The reader should be given the chance to understand the respective opening properly and not just play it out in their own game with memorized move sequences. Even the individual move is explained according to its meaning and purpose, insofar as it is important for understanding.
With the knowledge that the reader acquires from this book, it will be easy for him to use the symmetry variant with both the white and the black pieces in a meaningful way. The book also offers one or two new ideas that can surprise even an experienced player and promise interesting, entertaining and exciting duels.
The authors checked the computational correctness of the variants discussed using powerful engines.
Konikowski and Bekemann enrich the reader with move recommendations, analyses, plans and practical examples, a significant number of which come from correspondence chess. In doing so, they have developed a style that combines the necessary factual sobriety with an entertaining component. This is another joint work by the author duo Jerzy Konikowski and Uwe Bekemann . Konikowski is a FIDE master and is known as the author of a large number of excellent opening books. Uwe Bekemann is a National Correspondence Chess Master (Bronze), PR Manager of the German Correspondence Chess Federation and author of gambit books.
192 pages, hardcover, 1st edition 2024
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