Konikowski/Bekemann: 1.d4 wins! - Revised and expanded edition 2020

Konikowski/Bekemann: 1.d4 wins! - Revised and expanded edition 2020

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Autor: Konikowski, Jerzy; Bekemann, Uwe
Verlag: Beyer
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 432

Revised and expanded edition 2020

"1.d4 wins!" provides a self-contained repertoire that allows the White player to react in a qualified manner to any plausible response from the opponent after his double move with the queen's pawn. Our authors have selected their recommendations so that the reader can avoid the depths of opening theory. The lines included in the work allow White to play with initiative and actively. In most cases, they also promise an opening advantage.

“1.d4 wins!” offers:

– Promising systems and variants beyond the abundance of theory
– Presentation and discussion of ideas and plans
– Insights from current tournaments, including correspondence chess
– Selected commented games for practical training.

Konikowski is a FIDE master and is known as the author of a large number of excellent opening books. Bekemann is a National Correspondence Chess Master (Bronze), PR Manager of the German Correspondence Chess Federation and author of gambit books.


Chapter 1 : Slav Defense

Chapter 2: Queen’s Gambit Accepted

Chapter 3: Chigorin Defense

Chapter 4: Queen’s Gambit Declined

Chapter 5: Budapest Gambit

Chapter 6: Nimzowitsch-Indisch

Chapter 7: Volga Gambit

Chapter 8: Modern Benoni

Chapter 9: 3.f3 against the Grünfeld Defense

Chapter 10: King's Indian Defense

Chapter 11 : Dutch Defense

432 pages, paperback, 2nd edition 2020