Jussupow: Tiger jump to DWZ 1800 Volume 3

Jussupow: Tiger jump to DWZ 1800 Volume 3

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Autor: Yusupov, Artur
Verlag: Yusupov Chess Academy
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: hardcover
Seiten: 303

A complete training program for the advancement from DWZ 1500 to a playing strength level DWZ 1800 in three volumes.

* The level of the books in this series is actually about 200-300 DWZ higher. *


007 Foreword

009 Introduction

013 1. Combined attack on the penultimate and last row

025 2. Exchange 2

035 3. Attack against the King 2

045 4. Opening repertoire against 1.c4

057 5. "Don't allow any counterplay"

068 6. ​​Development advantage

081 7. Exploiting weak points

091 8. Training of short variant calculation

098 9. Better farm structures

112 10. Peasant Phalanx

123 11. Opening repertoire (Black against Reti/London System 3.Bf4 against King’s Indian Defence)

137 12. "Don't rush into anything!"

149 13. Double Sacrifice

159 14. Farmer’s Game

171 15. Active trains

180 16. Intermediate check

190 17. Improvement of the position of the pieces

201 18. Pawn sacrifice in the opening

217 19. Intermediate move

226 20. Principle of two weaknesses

239 21. Space advantage

252 22. Counterattack

261 23. Center in the opening

274 24. Correct exchange

289 25. Final test


299 Key to symbols

303 pages, hardcover, 2nd edition 2020