Jussupow/Dworezki: The independent path to becoming a chess professional
Autor: Yusupov, Artur; Dworetski, Mark
Verlag: Beyer
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: hardcover
Seiten: 174
Secrets, tips from a new chess school
What factors determine the success of a chess player? Usually, when answering this question, two things are emphasized: talent and diligence. Abilities and the desire to be diligent are not enough. Physical shape, a sporty and combative character and the ability to concentrate during the game are also very important. It is no less important to choose the right direction of work and to be able to perform it qualitatively. Of course, this is not an easy task. During the first course, we tried to help our students learn the art of independently studying chess.
It goes without saying that one must think through and understand one's game critically in order to determine the direction of one's "self-improvement". The authors firmly believe that serious analysis of one's own games is a necessary prerequisite for progress as a chess player. That is why the topic of analyzing one's own games takes a central place. The book contains concrete methodological recommendations on how this work can proceed.
Without a broad chess culture and without knowledge of the creative legacy of great chess masters of the past, it is difficult to achieve good results. We have tried to show the reader a variety of ways to use the rich chess heritage.
Artur Jussupow (*1960), world-class grandmaster of Russian origin, has lived in Germany since 1991 and has increasingly worked as an author of sophisticated chess books and as a trainer (Jussupow Chess Academy in Weissenhorn).
Mark Dworetski (*1947 †2016), Russian International Master, important chess author and trainer (including Yusupov), ran a school for young chess players in Moscow from 1990 to 1992 together with Yusupov. The independent path to becoming a chess professional is based on training courses at this school.
174 pages, bound with ribbon, 6th edition 2019, first edition 1991
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