Hilbert/Lengwenus: Fritz and Fertig: How to play chess?

Hilbert/Lengwenus: Fritz and Fertig: How to play chess?

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Autor: Hilbert, Joerg; Lengwenus, Björn
Verlag: impian
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: hardcover
Seiten: 192

How does chess work? Anyone who has read this book knows! King Fritz and his cheeky cousin Bianca are challenged to a royal duel by King Black. But first the two have to find out how it all works. Together with the reader they learn how the pieces move, how to checkmate someone, what to look out for at the opening and much more. A royal duel is nothing other than a game of chess, but with a cheering audience and as exciting as a football match.

Also included: exercises, puzzles, game ideas, rules, tips and many extras that make learning and practicing chess child's play.

The authors:
Jörg Hilbert has published numerous books as an author and illustrator. He is known for his chess learning software Fritz & Fertig and his Ritter Rost children's musicals (music: Felix Janosa). In their theatrical version, they are among the most popular and most frequently performed children's plays in German-speaking countries. Ritter Rost now also appears in the Sendug mit der Maus. Jörg Hilbert is married to a pianist, has two children and lives in the Ruhr area.

Björn Lengwenus works as a teacher in Hamburg. In addition to his extensive work as a youth chess trainer, he has published several CD-ROMs on topics such as the "opening". Together with Jörg Hilbert, he also designed the award-winning children's software Fritz & Fertig - Learn and train chess, which is based on the world-famous chess program Fritz and has now been released in around 20 countries.

192 pages, hardcover, in color
Format: approx. 16.2 x 24.2 cm