Fritz&Fertig chess workbook for students
Autor: Hilbert, Joerg; Lengwenus, Björn
Verlag: ChessBase
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 90
Hundreds of thousands of children around the world have learned chess with the Fritz & Fertig chess learning program for children. Now there is the Fritz & Fertig student workbook for school lessons! In this booklet, everything is explained in such a way that you will understand it in any case, regardless of whether you know Fritz & Fertig or not: explanations and exercises on the movement and capture types of all pieces, checkmate & stalemate, special rules, etiquette, checkmate motifs, tips & tricks for the exercises in the Fritz & Fertig software, great learning games and much more.
Compiled, written and beautifully colored by the Fritz & Fertig authors Björn Lengwenus (headmaster in Hamburg) and Jörg Hilbert (author of Ritter Rost, among others). The Fritz & Fertig chess workbook for students offers everything you need to learn chess:
- Introduction of all figures with gaits & stroke rules and worksheets
- Tips & Tricks for the exercises in the Fritz & Fertig program
- Funny learning games for two on the chessboard: eating candy, collecting coins, jumping knight words, catching sugar cubes, Bärenthaler Bauernkloppe, sinking ships
- Mate training: imprisonment, staircase mate, smothered mate, back row mate
- Special rules: En passant, pawn promotion, castling, draw
- Learn chess notation with streets and house numbers
- Learning games for experts: Brain training, tracking, chess sudoku, striking game
- Small etiquette school for fair chess players
- Tips for the game: Starting the game with Bull's Head, Attacking & Covering, Tactics & Strategy
- Games to replay: the fastest mate in the world and much more
- A4 90 pages
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