Autor: Figure, Atila Gajo
Verlag: Beyer
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 191
Understanding the middle game is of fundamental importance in order to find plans that suit the position after the opening. The chess computer is often switched on for this purpose and the sequence of moves is simply adopted. This is done primarily at amateur level. However, it is much more important to understand how ideas and moves can be identified - and how you can therefore find such or better ideas yourself. This textbook teaches methods that enable you to do just that: find the right plan. First, however, weaknesses in the opponent's position must be identified and defined.
These basics are first explained using simple, instructive examples, so that the more complex, computationally intensive exercises can then be completed. These tasks are quite demanding and the target group consists of ambitious club players.
The author, International Master Atila Gajo Figura, has been active as a club coach since his youth. Atila is currently working as a private coach for various very talented young people and performance-oriented players of all ages from Germany and Switzerland.
He was a multiple German youth champion and Berlin Cup winner, Berlin champion in 2018, and Berlin champion in Chess 960. In addition to other championship titles, he holds the title of International Master, as well as competition experience in the 1st Bundesliga and 2nd Bundesliga.
In addition to the C-Trainer license from the German Chess Federation, Atila has also acquired the B-Trainer license. He has also completed his master's degree (technical environmental protection).
191 pages, paperback, 1st edition 2022