Dvoretsky: Training Manual Volume 2 : Exclusion Method and Trap Game

Dvoretsky: Training Manual Volume 2 : Exclusion Method and Trap Game

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Autor: Dworetski, Mark
Verlag: Yusupov Chess Academy
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: hardcover
Seiten: 191

... Sometimes it is very difficult to calculate all the consequences of the planned move, but often it is not necessary! It is much easier to convince yourself that our move makes sense, has no immediate refutation and that all other moves are bad or at least significantly weaker. After all, this saves us time and at the same time convinces us that our decision is correct. Such a method of making decisions can be called the "method of elimination." ...
... "trap play" is a conscious attempt to provoke the opponent into making a mistake. We seduce him into a tempting or at least natural continuation, but we have planned a non-obvious refutation. .... (M. Dvoretsky)

191 pages, hardcover, 2013