Dvoretsky: Tragicomedies in the endgame
Autor: Dworetski, Mark
Verlag: Yusupov Chess Academy
Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: hardcover
Seiten: 301
By "tragicomedies" I mean cases of gross mistakes in the endgame that are sad for the players themselves but amusing for the spectators. As already noted in "Endgame University", where several chapters ended with a section on "tragicomedies", such examples serve as an excellent warning against ignoring elementary endgame theory. Moreover, practice has shown that tragicomedies are well remembered and thus help to better assimilate the endgame ideas contained in them. (from the preface)
Chapter 1. "Swimming\'' in theory\''
Rook and pawn (in the opponent's half of the board) against rook
Rook and pawn (in your own half of the board) against rook
Rook and edge pawn against rook / a- and h-pawns
- and h-farmers
Lasker idea
More pawns on one wing
Rook against pawn
Rook against minor piece \r\nRook and bishop against rook
Queen and pawn against queen
Queen versus Rook
Chapter 2. King in the endgame
Activity of the King
The King's Marching Routes
Body check
Cutting off the king
Chapter 3. Strength of the Peasants
Dangerous passed pawn
Farmers' race
Removed passed pawn
Isolated free farmers
Connected pawns
Farmer structure
Chapter 4. Zugzwang
Don’t be forced to act!
Mutual pressure
Reserve tempi
Chapter 5. In search of salvation
Perpetual check, perpetual pursuit
Chapter 6. Tactics
Double attack
Various tactical motifs
Trap game
Chapter 7. Figure play: maneuvers and exchanges
Position of the figures
Transition to the pawn endgame
Chapter 8. Technology
Prophylactic thinking
Gain or loss of speed
Turn order
Chapter 9. Premature termination of the fight
Unfounded surrender
Draw agreement in a winning position
Closing words
Mark Dvoretsky (born December 9, 1947) is one of the best trainers of our time and a successful author. His bestseller "The Endgame University" has inspired many chess lovers (from amateurs to grandmasters). This new endgame book can be seen as both a sequel and an introduction to "The Endgame University".
Using examples of instructive mistakes from new and old games by strong players, "The Tragicomedies" remind us of the most important theoretical positions in a very entertaining way, supplement and explain many typical endgame ideas and thus deepen our endgame knowledge. Only those who have read this book can be sure of avoiding such mistakes in the future.
301 pages, hardcover, 2010
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