Delchev: The safest Grünfeld - reloaded
Autor: Delchev, Alexander
Verlag: ChessStars
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Sprache: English
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 352
This book is a completely new edition of the original The safest Grünfeld of 2011. I rechecked all the lines and changed my recommendations according to latest developments of theory and my new understanding.
Especially the anti-Grünfeld chapters are basically new. In my opinion top players have long lost hope of finding advantage in the main lines and trying early deviations. Anand chose 3.f3 against Gelfand and 5.Bd2 against Carlsen. So I devoted special attention to the Sämish approach with two different propositions. 3...Nc6 is less studied and probably more rewarding from a practical standpoint, while 3...d5 is in perfect theoretical shape, but requires more memorization.
Every too often White players try to avoid the Grünfeld by refraining from d4 or c4. I added an additional chapter on the very topical lately Trompowsky and Barry/Jobava attack.
The 7.Bc4 system in the Exchange Variation, and the Russian System have also undergone a major reconstruction.
Alexander Delchev
Alexander Delchev is the European Grand Prix winner in 2004. He has played in many Olympiads for Bulgaria. His best Elo was 2669, current rating - 2604. Delchev is the author of The Most Flexible Sicilian, The Safest Sicilian, The safest Grünfeld and The Modern Reti.
352 pages, paperback, Chess Stars , 1st edition 2019
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