There is probably no other player who has changed the world of chess in so many areas and in such a radical way – like Robert James Fischer, for whom the name Bobby Fischer has become established among chess players around the world.
Of his spectacular successes, his downright outclassing victories against three Soviet grandmasters in the early 1970s are particularly noteworthy, a kind of changing of the guard in the fight for the title of world champion, which the Soviets had virtually subscribed to for more than two decades. This triggered a worldwide chess boom, although it should be more precise: it triggered a chess boom especially in the Western world, because in the Soviet Union with millions of club players such a boom was apparently hardly necessary.
Many players of all levels started playing the royal game because of the events surrounding Bobby Fischer. His games are legendary, and since they have of course already been extensively analyzed and commented on in numerous works, the question arises: what is the point of another book?
The Hamburg grandmaster Karsten Müller has selected what he considers to be the 60 most instructive games by Bobby Fischer and tested them with various newer engines. He noticed numerous errors in the old analyses, but Bobby's games still shine in their old glory, or even brighter. Even the strict eye of top programs rarely comes across errors, and every reader can learn more than ever from these games in order to improve their own playing strength in a success-oriented manner.
Not only the numerous photos of almost all of Fischer's opponents in the book take the reader back to the 'old days of chess', but also the quotes inserted in many of the games. This gives even younger players a good impression of how things were in the chess world when, for example, adjourned games still existed and no player could avoid analysis by simply delegating this job to their computer.