Autor: Geilmann, Ulrich
Verlag: Beyer
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 220
In 1929, Malik Mir Sultan Khan entered the world stage and achieved remarkable tournament successes. The young man, who was part of the entourage of an Indian diplomat, was temporarily one of the ten best chess players in the world. His astonishing career ended abruptly in 1933. Khan returned to British India with his master. He died there in 1966 without ever making another international appearance. This book traces the extraordinary life of this chess master as far as the limited sources allow.
Ulrich Geilmann (Alekhine - Life and Death of a Chess Genius, Alekhine's Ring - Operation Botvinnik) was born in Essen in 1963 and lives on the Lower Rhine. He is a qualified town planner and works in public service. Geilmann is an amateur chess player, vice president of the German Chess League and a member of the Emanuel Lasker Society. He was team leader of a German Chess League team and regularly reports on the Internet in a humorous narrative style about his experiences at chess tournaments and away from the boards.
220 pages, paperback, 2018