Lakdawala: Clinch it!

Lakdawala: Clinch it!

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Autor: Lakdawala, Cyrus
Verlag: New in Chess
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Sprache: English
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 256

How to Convert an Advantage into a Win in Chess

How good are you at bringing in the full point when you hold a clear advantage or are just plain winning? Pondering this question may well evoke some painful memories. Perhaps the single greatest frustration for club-level chess players is that time and again they see wins turn into draws or even losses.

The reasons for messing up a winning position are by no means just technical. And the rest is a matter of technique ? Not likely, in the real world.

Recklessness, collapsing nerves, relaxing instead of preparing yourself for a long and arduous fight, the inability to cope with a small setback or with a busted opponent who has turned into a fearless desperado: based on four decades of teaching chess Cyrus Lakdawala has identified dozens of thought-provoking reasons why we are throwing away points that should be ours.

Lakdawala teaches how to:
-- efficiently exploit a development lead
-- capitalize on an attack
-- identify and convert favorable imbalances
-- accumulate strategic advantages
-- and other tools to increase your conversion rate.

His examples are compelling, his explanations are captivating and often funny. A recurring theme in this stimulating, instructive and entertaining book is: don't burden yourself with the toxic task to prove that you are a genius. Just try to win.

Cyrus Lakdawala is an International Master and a former American Open Champion. He has been teaching chess for four decades. Lakdawala is a prolific and widely read author. Chess for Hawks , his earlier book with New In Chess, won the Best Instructional Book Award of the Chess Journalists of America (CJA). In 2018 Lakdawala published How Ulf Beats Black: Ulf Andersson's Bulletproof Strategic Repertoire for White to universal acclaim.

256 pages, paperback, 1st edition 2018
