Capablanca: Basics of Chess Strategy
Autor: Capablanca, Jose Raul
Verlag: Beyer
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 143
The Cuban José Raúl Capablanca (1888 – 1942) was undoubtedly one of the greatest natural talents in the history of chess. The security of his style was so astonishing and almost superhuman that at the height of his career he was called a "chess machine" by enthusiastic contemporaries.
In 1921 he won the world championship by defeating Emanuel Lasker and in the same year he wrote this book (under the original title 'Fundamentos del Ajedrez').
A truly fundamental work which has lost none of its significance in almost 100 years and which – without any exaggeration – can be described as 'of timeless value'.
Here is just a small sample:
"A chess player must know how to prevent all moves that could weaken his position. He should also always strive to steal the initiative from his opponent by a surprise attack.
The ability to quickly gain a good overview and to recognize all details and development possibilities - as well as a strong imagination - are the basic prerequisites for successful play."
“The chess player must know how to prevent all moves that could lead to a weakening of his position and always strive to take the initiative away from his opponent by surprise attacks.
A quick overview, a clear understanding of details and development possibilities as well as a strong imagination are the basic prerequisites for a successful game."
José Raul Capablanca
143 pages, paperback, 10th edition 2019
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