Brunia/van Wijgerden: Chess Learning Book Level 4 Plus
Autor: van Wijgerden, Cor
Verlag: van Wijgerden
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
Sprache: German, English
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 56
Additional exercise material for the Stappenmethode Level 4
The level can thus be deepened through a variety of new tasks at the same level of difficulty.
More or less new topics are:
- Catch
Preparatory move when capturing (directing, eliminating the defense, chasing, directing and clearing) - The opening
Vulnerability in the opening - Small plan
Open position - Problem chess
Deepening and expanding the brief topics:
- Small plan
Move a piece to a better square, exploit vulnerability - King Attack
Queen+Bishop and Queen+Knight work together; open line and open lines - draw
- Forcing a stalemate, insufficient material, eternal check
- Block and interrupt
Preparatory moves: hunting and directing - Trigger attack
Building a battery - Endgame technique
Strategy, tactics and vulnerability in the endgame - Pawn endgame
Technique, defending and the edge farmer
56 pages, paperback, 3rd edition 2017
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