Brunia/van Wijgerden: Chess Learning Book Level 3 Extra

Brunia/van Wijgerden: Chess Learning Book Level 3 Extra

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Autor: van Wijgerden, Cor
Verlag: van Wijgerden
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
Sprache: German, English
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 56

Additional exercise material for the Stappenmethode Level 3

The level can thus be deepened through a variety of new tasks at the same level of difficulty.

First come the exercises with familiar topics of the third level:

  • Double check
  • Bondage
  • Double attack
  • Trigger attack
  • Defending against double attack
  • Defending against bondage
  • draw
  • Disabling the defense (hitting, distracting, redirecting)

The last 26 pages are tests.

56 pages, stapled, 3rd edition 2017