Brunia/van Wijgerden: Chess Learning Book Level 1 Plus
Autor: van Wijgerden, Cor
Verlag: van Wijgerden
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Sprache: German
Buchumschlag: book
Seiten: 56
Additional exercise material for the Stappen method level 1
The level can thus be deepened through a variety of new tasks at the same level of difficulty.
The plus booklet contains 8 chapters.
1: Gain material
2: Defend
3: Matt
4: Route planner
5: Defending against checkmate
6: Draw
7: Think of checkmate
8: The Passed Pawn Endgame / Passed Pawn: A
The topics in the Plus booklet are very much aimed at improving attack and defense, in short, board control.
Most of the material is familiar, but students are faced with a new challenge: they must choose between two options. This is covered in the chapters "Gaining Material," "Defending" (defense also plays a role in two other chapters) and "Route Planner." The concept of space, still very difficult at this level, is covered in the exercises on checkmate and draw. We deepen knowledge of both topics and present the material using various tasks.
When it comes to a difficult topic - and mate certainly is - it helps to practice in many different ways.
At level 1 plus, the student must really immerse himself in the tasks and make an effort, otherwise he will not be able to solve them.
Some lessons can be short. The important thing is that the students can solve the tasks in the right way. Not giving any lessons at all (i.e. just having them do the tasks) is certainly not advisable.
56 pages, DIN A4 stapled, 4th edition 2018
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