Reti - A Repertoire for White

Reti - A Repertoire for White

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It is always fascinating when, when preparing for a game or reviewing an opening variation, you come across games dating back to the beginning of the last century or even the 1800s. While working on the DVD, I discovered that the development of the knight to f3, followed by the attack on the center with c4, was played by almost all of the great champions of the past. The most valuable investment in this opening was of course made by Richard Reti, who scored a series of victories with it in the 1920s, but what would it be without the games of Capablanca or the fine ideas of Smyslov? Today, the main proponent of 1.Nf3 with White is Vladimir Kramnik, who in my opinion has the deepest strategic knowledge and understanding of chess anywhere. The Reti opening in particular is suitable for those players who like strategy, maneuvers and plans. Who like to avoid tons of opening theory, the jungle of forced variations. On this DVD I have tried to cover all of Black's reactions against 1.Nf3. Of course there is a lot of theory outside of it, but there is definitely a repertoire for White in it. Enjoy!