Mating Patterns

Mating Patterns

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Checkmate motifs form the basis of attacking chess. If you master typical checkmate motifs, you will see possible checkmates and can bring your games to a brilliant and effective conclusion. On this DVD, the famous American commentator GM Maurice Ashley presents entertaining and instructive checkmate motifs. Checkmate motifs that are a must for all aspiring players: two rooks checkmate, bishop and knight or bishop and rook checkmate and checkmate on diagonals. The new interactive ChessBase format ensures maximum learning effect. The DVD contains 30 tricky positions. There are also numerous additional tasks to help you remember the checkmate motifs and consolidate your newly acquired knowledge. Maurice Ashley presents the examples in his usual dynamic and charming way and invites you on an interactive journey through the world of checkmate motifs. He shows you how to use these checkmate motifs in your own games to defeat your opponents in style.