

In dieser Rubrik findest du Schachbücher, Schach Zeitschriften, Schach DVDs und Schach Broschüren: Alles, was du zum Besser werden im Schach online oder am Brett benötigst. 



1421 products
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Soszynski: Double Trouble Scandinavian Style
Müller: Typically French
Konikowski/Bekemann: Openings - English Opening, Volume 1
Hansen/Lakdawala: Origins: Ruy Lopez: Book II: Specialty Lines after 3...a6
Busse: The Chess Booster
Kindermann/Exler: Chess strategies for school and life: The royal plan for children Kindermann/Exler: Chess strategies for school and life: The royal plan for children
Mieses: Chess Endings from Modern Master Play (updated and edited by Carsten Hansen)
Locock: Imagination in Chess (updated and edited by Carsten Hansen)
Lakdawala/Hansen: Stark Beauty: The Chess Endgame Studies of Herman Mattison (Chess Endgame Magic & Tactics)
Perunović: Sicilian Defense Four Knights Variation
Marin: Learn from Bent Larsen (paperback)
Kasparov: How to play the Najdorf
Burnett: Dragon Masters, Volume 1
Mohr/Velimirovic-Zorica: Forgotten Genius - The Life and Games of Grandmaster Dragoljub Velimirovic - Vol.1
Gormally: Tournament Battle Plan (hardcover)
Gormally: Tournament Battle Plan (paperback)
Semkov: Building a Reti Repertoire
Chess Magazine 2 / 2024
Haria: The Modernized Anti-Sicilians - Vol. 2 (hardcover)
Haria: The Modernized Anti-Sicilians - Vol. 2 (paperback)
Jacimovic/Zlatanovic: The French Defense Revisited (paperback)
Franco: Ljubojević's Best Chess Games (paperback)
Franco: Ljubojević's Best Chess Games (hardcover)
Franco: Attacking chess in the 21st Century (hardcover)