Sveshnikov: The Complete French Advance

Sveshnikov: The Complete French Advance


Inkl. Steuern.


Autor: Sveshnikov, Evgenij; Sveshnikov, Vladimir
Verlag: New in Chess
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
Sprache: Englisch
Buchumschlag: paperback
Seiten: 286

The Most Uncompromising Way to Attack the French Defence

The Advance Variation is the most ambitious way to meet the solid French Defence. Its popularity among club players is not difficult to understand: by advancing the e-pawn to e5 on the third move, White not only gains space but also blocks in Black’s c8-bishop and hampers Black’s kingside development by taking away the f6-square.

Grandmaster Evgeny Sveshnikov has played the Advance Variation in countless games with excellent results and is, as former World Champion Anatoly Karpov puts it, ‘the world expert’ in this variation.

Together with his son, International Master Vladimir Sveshnikov, he has thoroughly improved, updated and expanded his earlier investigations that he presented in his first book on the French Advance in 2003. The Complete French Advance includes a lot of powerful new ideas.

The Sveshnikovs present many annotated grandmaster games, clearly explaining the ideas and plans for both sides. They also provide exercises and test positions in order to reinforce what has been learned.

After reading and studying this book, White players, from amateurs to Grandmasters, will be able to make their opponents’ lives even more difficult.

286 Seiten, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2017
