Neishtadt: Win in the opening!
Autor: Neishtadt, Yakov
Verlag: Olms
Erscheinungsjahr: 2000
Sprache: Englisch
Buchumschlag: paperback
Seiten: 192
To lose a game of chess in the opening or the early middlegame is especially annoying. However, this is something that happens not only to novices, but also to experienced masters.
A knowledge of opening disasters and of the correct replies to sharp continuations is imperative, if a player is to master this difficult phase of the game, in which much is still shrouded in mist.
Time and again unexpected combinative themes occur, striking the opponent like a bolt from the blue. A player who has studied the material here can hope for some quick and pretty victories, and it will also spare his nerves, if the opponent should wildly attack.
With its clear explanations and recommendations, this book provides an excellent grounding in chess opening theory.
007 Introduction
008 Chapter One
Combinations in short games. Forcing variations and sacrifices. Typical tactical ideas: double attack by the queen, knight and pawn forks, indirect double attack, discovered attack, discovered and double check, pinning and diversion. Combined tactical ideas.
027 Chapter Two
Combinative themes: diversion and decoy. Diversion and the "windmill". Decoy and blocking.
047 Chapter Three
Combinative themes: release from a pin, defence-elimination, vacating of a square (or line), isolation and interference, destruction of the king`s pawn screen. Promotion of a pawn. Mixtures of combinative ideas.
072 Chapter Four
The calculation of variations and the evaluation of a position. The intermediate move. The principles of opening play: rules and exceptions. Time in chess. How tempi are gained and lost. Seizing the initiative. The danger of losing the right to castle.
088 Chapter Five
Ways of speeding up development. The pawn sacrifice for the initiative. 'To take or not to take?'. 'Pawn-grabbing' - a dangerous disease. Theoretical gambit variations. The opening catastrophe after a strategic mistake. The employment of gambits by Black. Jusitfied and unjustified risk.
108 Chapter Six
Typical tactical devices. The bishop sacrifice on f7 (f2). The knight sacrifice on e6. The attack on f7 in the King`s Gambit. The 'drawing out' and oursuit of the king. Unusual 'drawing out' combinations. The bishop sacrifice on h7 (h2). Attacking mechanisms. The Domenico combination.
132 Chapter Seven
Lasker`s double bishop sacrifice on h7 and g7. The calculation of an operation and the final aim. When one does begrudge the queen: the Legall theme and the Réti combination.
148 Chapter Eight
The off-side queen, shutting it out of play, followed by an aatack with superior forces. Typical mating constructions: with bishop and knight, queen and bishop, two bishops, rook and knight.
161 Chapter Nine
Take care off the queen! Opening erudition and creativity. 'Knowledge is strength!' Trust, but verify.
178 Chapter Ten
Beware, a trap! Deceptive gains. Under fear of punishment. Without any risk. The probabillity of success.
187 About the Author
188 Index of Games
192 Index of Openings
192 Seiten, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2000
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