Heisman: Is your Move safe?
Autor: Dan Heisman
Verlag: Mongoose
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Sprache: Englisch
Buchumschlag: paperback
Seiten: 269
Far more amateur games are lost because a player makes an unsafe move, rather than missing a tactic given by the opponent or making a fatal positional mistake.
This book is for intermediates and up (1400+) - puzzles ask if various candidate moves are safe. Includes basic instructive examples up through extremely difficult, "grey" answers. Many general safety issues are discussed in detail. A multitude of general safety guidelines are highlighted and explained.
Is Your Move Safe? is a "cousin" book to "Looking for Trouble", but this in no way implies you need one book to benefit from the other. Looking asks the reader to identify and deal with threats from the opponent's previous move. Is Your Move Safe, on the other hand, looks at safety from the view of analyzing your own candidate moves to see if they are safe.
2016 Seiten, kartoniert, 2016
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