Heisman: Back to Basics: Tactics

Heisman: Back to Basics: Tactics


Inkl. Steuern.


Autor: Dan Heisman
Verlag: Russell Enterprises
Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
Sprache: Englisch
Buchumschlag: paperback
Seiten: 192

Tactics are usually why most people find chess fun! This book will greatly enhance your enjoyment learning about – and benefiting from – the recurring patterns of tactics. In chess, if you lose all your pieces you can’t win! And if you capture each of your opponent’s pieces, winning should be easy. Even if you just get ahead by a small amount of material, your chances of winning soar. The way to win your opponent’s pieces is through the use of tactics. This book is about all types of beginning tactics. The author covers comprehensively the subject with basic instructional material, examples, and problems of all types – about 500 examples and problems ranging from too easy to very difficult! Back to Basics: Tactics - the first in the ChessCafe Back to Basics Chess Series – should enhances your enjoyment in learning about – and benefiting from – the recurring patterns of tactics.\r\n192 Seiten, 2007, kartoniert, englisch