Dlugy: The Queen's Gambit Accepted

Dlugy: The Queen's Gambit Accepted


Inkl. Steuern.


Autor: Dlugy, Max
Verlag: Russell Enterprises
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Sprache: Englisch
Buchumschlag: paperback
Seiten: 352

A Modern Counterattack in an Ancient Opening

The Queen’s Gambit Accepted is one of the oldest known openings in chess. It was first mentioned in chess literature in the late 15th century. Over 500 years later, American Grandmaster Max Dlugy demonstrates in this groundbreaking work that the QGA is still a fighting, uncompromising opening that allows Black to play for a win from the very first move.

But his comprehensive coverage is something players who face the QGA with White will also want to study. Dlugy not only carefully maps out Black’s best strategy, but also gives ample consideration to how White should play. The positions analyzed are a blend of the tactical elements and the key positional considerations such as space, time and pawn structure to be assessed when choosing your lines.

This book will teach you not just the QGA, but chess strategy in general. It will teach you how to play solid yet lively positions and allow you to take something away from Maxim Dlugy’s classical style and lucid explanations. If you want to improve your chess while learning a reliable opening with Black, you are now reading the book you need. – From the Foreword by GM Alex Fishbein

Max Dlugy has great experience with the QGA, having played it successfully for over 40 years. In this book, he presents new analysis in established lines and rehabilitates many variations, turning existing theory on its head. Whether you play White or Black, this creative, cutting-edge treatment of the Queen’s Gambit Accepted will be indispensable.

About the Author

American Grandmaster Max Dlugy moved to New York from Moscow when he was just 11 years old. His first chess rating when he was 12 was 1406. However, Max had excellent coaches early on – Jack Collins and Vitaly Zaltsman. This, coupled with his love and determination for improvement, led to his becoming the highest rated player in his age group by the time he was 15.

At 16 he became an international master, and at 19, World Junior Champion and a Grandmaster, entering the top 50 players in the world. By the time Max was 24 – still at the top of his game – he was among the elite in the U.S., rated in the top five players. At that time, the financial world beckoned and he put his chess career on hold.

352 Seiten, 1. Auflage 2023
