The Open Sicilian Bundle

The Open Sicilian Bundle

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Do you fight against the Sicilian? And would you like to play the Open Sicilian but shy away from it because you fear the many lines you might have to learn? Then this video is a must for you! Dutch Grandmaster Roeland Pruijssers and International Master Nico Zwirs created a complete repertoire against the Sicilian that is based on the Open Sicilian and that is easy to learn. They recommend the Maroczy set-up (e4-c4), the English Attack (Be3,f3 and Qd2) and set-ups with Be3/Qf3. Fighting the Sicilian with one of these three setups makes the Open Sicilian much more easy to play. Sometimes this opening approach will lead to transpositions that will baffle players with Black, e.g. if they wanted to play the Najdorf but suddenly find themselves in a line of the Taimanov!

Knowing typical tactical patterns is important to keep the upper hand in these sharp lines. Roeland Pruijssers and Nico Zwirs show patterns you should know when playing the Open Sicilian. The interactive Fritz-Trainer format invites the viewer to answer questions and helps to test and deepen your knowledge. And even if the Sicilian is not part of your repertoire you will profit from this DVD – after all, mastering tactics is always useful in chess.