A dangerous weapon against the Caro-Kann in 60 Minutes

A dangerous weapon against the Caro-Kann in 60 Minutes

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In this 60-minute video course, we will explore an unusual and dangerous weapon against Caro-Kann. It is not a new idea, but it can quickly become popular. The variation in question is the following: 1.e4 c6 2.Nf3 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4Ne5!? There are several ideas associated with this move: tricks on c6 and f7, strengthening the knight with f2-f4, leading to white pressure on the kingside, and so on. This variation is not difficult to learn and master, and it gives you the opportunity to put pressure on those awkward Caro-Kann players. As we will see, many of the best players in the world are starting to use this variation with success.