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Jones: Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4 - Volume 1 (paperback)
Jones: Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4 - Volume 2 (paperback)
Markos/Navara: The Secret Ingredient to Winning at Chess
Marin: Leningrad Dutch (paperback)
Smith: Street Smart Chess (paperback)
Sokolov: Magnus Carlsen's Middlegame Evolution (hardcover)
McDonald: Attack! The subtle art of winning brilliantly
Lakdawala: Winning Ugly in Chess
Katz: Chess Bootcamp Beyond the Basics
Lemos: the French Defence: Move by Move
Tait: A Direct Opening Repertoire
Palliser/Williams: Grandmaster Gambits 1e4
Sheng: Mastering Chess Logic
Teschner: Chess in 40 hours
Spindler: Chess textbook for children - beginners
Samarian: Systematic Chess Training - Official Textbook of the German Chess Federation Samarian: Systematic Chess Training - Official Textbook of the German Chess Federation
Davies: Opening Repertoire: The Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Indian Defences
Richter/Konikowski: My first chess book - A guide for (advanced) beginners
Mednis: Play good opening moves!
Lakdawala: Tactical Training
Averbakh/Kotow/Judowitsch: The chess book for the master of tomorrow
Burgess: The Gambit Book of Instructive Chess Problems
Giddins: 101 endgame tips
Pruisikin: Countering The Queen's Gambit