

954 Produkte
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Razuvaev: Key Concepts of Gambit Play
Kotronias/Semkov: Attacking the Flexible Sicilian
Kuzmin: The Zaitsev System
Adorjan: Black is Back!
Kornev: A Practical Black Repertoire  with Nf6, g6, d6 Vol.2
Smirin: King´s Indian Warfare (kartoniert)
Smirin: King´s Indian Warfare (gebunden)
Neiman/Shoker: The Fianchetto Solution
Sedlak: Winning with the Modern London System
Avrukh: 1.d4 Grandmaster Repertoire 1B - The Queen's Gambit (hardcover)
Romero/De Prado: The Agile London System
Delchev/Semkov: Attacking the English/Reti
Collins: A simple Chess Opening Repertoire for White
Ivanisevic/Perunivic/Markus: The Taimanov Bible
Solozhenkin: The Spanish Main Road Solozhenkin: The Spanish Main Road
Moret: My First Chess Opening Repertoire for White
Bologan: Bologan´s Ruy Lopez for Black
Schandorff: The Semi-Slav (paperback)
Tay: The Old Indian - move by move
Sielecki: Nimzo and Bogo Indian - Opening Repertoire
Dreev: Attacking the Caro-Kann - A Repertoire for White
Avrukh: 1.d4 Grandmaster Repertoire 1A - The Catalan (paperback)
Andriasyan: The English Attack against the Taimanov Sicilian - A Guide for White
Kornev: Rossolimo and Friends